Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Thanksgiving Break

If I could use one word to describe my Thanksgiving Break, it would be "rejuvinating."

I rejuvinated myself physically with unholy hours of sleep each and every night. More than half of my break was spent sleeping. I never slept for less than 11 hours a night and mostly slept around 13-14 hours a night. It felt amazing to finally sleep in my own bed in peace and quiet. After about three months sleeping in a hot dorm room with occasional noise throughout the night.

I rejuvenated my mind. With the exception of one small assignment, I didn't have to worry about school at all. With tests coming on the week before break and classes cancelled for the remainder of that week, it was almost like the end of a semester.

I rejuvinated my relationships with old friends who took separate paths for college. Back in high school, where we saw each other basically every day, our conversations tended to last pretty well if interesting material was involved. Now, since we have had three months full of "interesting material" and zero chances in between to talk about it, our conversations lasted forever and were full of laughter and intrigue. It felt great to get caught up on my friends' lives and college experiences, and I was also excited to share my own experiences and get them caught up.

Most importantly, I rejuvinated my confidence that I could succeed in college. Having so much time to spend with my parents, whom I always feel most comfortable talking to about serious issues, allowed me to build up some confidence going into these final three weeks of the semester. They told me mor ethan just, "We love you so much, we know you can do it." They shared their own experiences, shared experiences of people they know, and expressed their own confidence in me. I really needed to be with them the most for Thanksgiving Break.

Now, I'm back to work, and I feel rejuvinated.

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