Tuesday, September 29, 2009



A flyer found at a bus stop at the University of Missouri includes claims that three individuals and the Curators of the University of Missouri have falsely reported a bomb threat on the University. The individuals named in the flyer are William A. Mitchell, Marvin Wright, and Phillip Hoskins. The writer of the flyer is Columbia resident Paul Love.

An excerpt from the flyer reads: “They have in civil cased raised the defense that as an instrument to the State they might willfully and maliciously falsely report a bomb threat. In violation of oaths to support and uphold the constitution they have sought to deliberately suppress the constitutional right to falsify a bomb threat, having at all times struggled to avoid their obligation to prove the allegations, the aforementioned are deemed to have knowingly falsified and reported a bomb threat with intent to harm the public.”

In a comment responding to an article in the Columbia Tribune, a user under the name of “Paul_Love” mentioned that he was the one accused of making the bomb threat.

“In my case they simply thought it was acceptable to report I made a bomb threat with detailed plans on the types of devices to use [and] where I was going to place them,” the user said in the comment, “because I had been in the military, I had access to the explosives and the training to use them.”

The flyer cites Supreme Court Case 08-6102, which is listed as “Paul Love v. University of Missouri.” As of November 2008, it is a certiorari denied case of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Sunday, September 20, 2009



by Michael Marcanik

Speakers Circle at Mizzou, located at the corner of Conley Avenue and 8th Street, is one of the few areas in Missouri where people may protest and preach without a license.

Often, rants in Speakers’ Circle are related to religious beliefs. One topic that has been brought up frequently is premarital sex and how it can affect peoples’ lives in a divine way.

“Having sex before you marry is cheating on the Lord,” one man said. “It is like having sex with someone other than your spouse after you are married.”

The man speaking is apparently known as a regular in Speakers’ Circle. He wears clothes similar to what amish people wear and often refers to how sinners would get punished by the divine for their acts.

Another lady was also preaching about how premarital sex is a sin and violators will be punished by the divine. This lady was more enthusiastic than the man, with much emphasis on anything relating to Hell.

“Those who have sex with anyone other than their loved one,” the lady began, “will, when they die, be punished and burned in the fire!”

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Show time! I'm excited to get yet another blog rolling.  Now, off to find something to tell everybody about.

Finishing note: I dare someone to top my blog title.